Chepang Culture
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Chepang Langauge
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Notes on Kusunda Grammar*A Language Isolate of Nepal (Watters,2005)
Regmi, Dan Raj. 2007. The Bhujel Language. Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal: Tribhuvan University Ph.D Dissertation, Chapter 1
Adhikari et al. Linguistic Identity of Chepang Students studying in residential schools
Caughley, R,1996, Sematically related vowel gradation in Sunwar and Chepang, Tibeto Burman Langauges of the Himalays, Pacific Linguistics, pp 95-101
Adhikari, 2016. A Concise Dictionary of Chepang Language, Little Flowers Society, Nepal
Caughley et.al, 2000. A Dictionary of Chepang Language, SIL
Caughley, 1988. Chepang-A Sino Tibetan Langauge with Duodecimal Numerical Base, Pacific Linguistics
Forbes, C. (1878). On Tibeto-Burman Languages. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 10(2), 210-227.
Forbes, C. (1877). Art. XIII.—Affinities of the Dialects of the Chepang and Kusundah Tribes of Nipál with those of the Hill Tribes of Arracan. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 9(2), 421-424.