Chepang Culture
History of Chepangs
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Conversion to Christianity and Social Inclusion: A Comparative Ethnographic Study of Chepang and Santal communities (Rai, 2013)
Extrasensory Trances and Trances of movement: Reflection on different types of Trances (Riboli, 2000)
A note on religious beliefs and practices among the Chepangs of Nepal (Gurung, 1987)
Conversion of Christianity and Social Inclusion: A comparative ethnographic study of Chepang and Santal Communities (Rai, 2013)
Tunsuriban- Shamanism in the Chepang of Southern and Central Nepal (Ribboli D, 2000)
Caughley et al, 1962. Notes on Chepang Culture, Tribhuwan University